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4 Types of Testing to Make Online Banking Universally Accessible

Of all the things to move online in the last few years, perhaps nothing is more sensitive than people’s banking. The disruptive fintech industry is challenging the historical dominance of the big banks by creating mobile apps that give people seamless control over their money.

People increasingly rely on the internet for information, Ecommerce, and access to government services. But the stakes are high when it comes to controlling money. Historically, people with disabilities face barriers in traditional brick-and-mortar banks.

If a fintech website or app contains a barrier, it can be impossible for a person with a disability to conduct some financial activities. Keep reading to learn about four ways on-demand accessibility crowd-testing platforms from providers like Fable Tech Labs help fintech companies meet WCAG compliance in less time.

1. User Interviews

Automation has its uses, but ensuring that an app is universally accessible requires testing from real people who live with a variety of disabilities. Testing needs to encompass not just different disabilities, but different types of software and assistive technology as well such as Dragon Naturally Speaking for alternative navigation and ZoomText for magnification.

Working with an on-demand accessibility crowd-testing platform allows fintech companies to perform remote user research in real-time. They won’t just chat or email with their tester. They’ll be able to see their screen and connect via video chat.

This allows fintech companies to see how real people with disabilities will use their websites or apps before they’re launched.

2. Prototype Reviews

True universal accessibility is not just something added on after the product is near completion. Designers need to incorporate the goals of accessibility at every stage of the project, especially the early ones.

Now, it’s simple for fintech companies to share links with their interactive prototypes with a user and guide them in a moderated session. This helps to identify snags early on before they snowball into more time-consuming and expensive problems to fix.

Not only will you save money and time creating the final product, but it will also be more universally accessible.

3. Compatibility Tests

The real world has a vast number of gadgets, and universal accessibility means ensuring that every version of your app works. With the right platform, fintech companies can test across different devices and browsers.

The best on-demand accessibility crowd-testing platforms use as many as five testers to complete a task while probing for accessibility issues. Unlike the above types of tests, this should be unmoderated.

4. QA Sessions

Finally, the fourth type of testing is a live question-and-answer session with an expert screen reader. They will evaluate your product’s level of accessibility and help you find ways it can be improved.

This will answer any remaining questions you may have after applying these methods of testing in every phase of the product development cycle.

Digital banking has the potential to give people unable to access brick-and-mortar banks more control over their finances. However, if fintech isn’t universally accessible, it’ll just be a digital barrier instead of a non-digital barrier.

Connect with an on-demand accessibility crowd-testing platform that specializes in remote testing, prototype reviews, compatibility tests and QA sessions, and you’ll see the improvements in your development cycle right away.

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