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Top Challenges You Need to Know Before Setup Your Business in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates is famous for having a business-friendly environment, a favorable tax structure, and a legal framework directly. However, like other countries, the UAE also passed a series of problems that could generate several challenges while investing in this country. But if you are career-driven, dedicated individuals who are enthusiastic about the broader scope and outreach this country has to offer, make sure that you build yourself for common challenges that come your way when establishing a business in the UAE.

When you’ve lived and worked in Dubai as long as I have, you would be forgiven for being almost insensitive to the town’s acceleration. Nearly a week passed without word of another new development or tentacle of the next great startup that will breakthrough.

Although a heart murmurs about slowing growth that seems to pop up every few years, Dubai continues to exceed expectations and take a remarkable evolution to the next level. There is no doubt that this is still very much a city that is booming.

But while the success graph of Dubai may seem unstoppable, that’s not to say doing business in this part of the world without challenge. Just like the power plant’s main business, there are certain things to be avoided and overcome. However, suppose you go into a new business set up with your eyes open and be aware of the obstacles that may lie ahead. In that case, there is no reason why entrepreneurs are encouraged and dedicated can not see success in this fantastic city. 

Some Common Challenges That Appears While Setting up a Business in Dubai are-

It can go from zero to a hundred in a heartbeat. But that does not mean you will step off the plane and start generating business from day one. Yes, it’s possible, but Dubai is the melting pot of networkers, and most likely, your first job will make yourself known. The business culture here in UAE is very much about people’s personalities- curious about you personally before they establish a business relationship, which is very much embedded in the city’s culture. Just place yourself out there in the right place, and they will come up connection.

Of course, how can you put yourself out? Is it essential? The key is not to spend all day trying to get someone to buy into your idea. Instead, dive yourself into the business culture, listening to those who are already in the game, and well worth considering what you can bring to them than just what they can do for you.

The key to making sure you keep your sanity when adjusting to Dubai’s life is to find that balance as fast as you can: set a reasonable hour and take the time to switch off. If you do not, you could find yourself on fire before you know it.

Burnout is more than fatigue or even exhaustion. I have seen it many times, and can have devastating effects. Fatigue is a state of chronic stress that impairs your cognitive function, blurring your thinking process, and in worse cases, can lead to a total cut off from the world around you.


It is not uncommon to find a relatively large organization with a workflow management system that is not fit for purpose-if they even have a formal plan in place at all. On the flip side, you often find a business that has a split across multiple information systems. They have CRMs patchwork, accounting software, project management tools, and Excel spreadsheets together from time to time as the business has grown.

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