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Which Gadgets Can Help You Study Faster?


Students have a lot of demands. On top of classwork, extra-curricular activities, and finding time for sleep and a social life, studying is something that needs to happen efficiently. Just read this article and find out note-taking apps and gadgets  that make studying quick and easy.

Dragon Dictation

Dragon Dictation is designed for writing emails, taking notes, getting directions, and more. With a professional-grade voice assistant, you can use Dragon Dictation anywhere. Since you don’t have to write everything out by hand, you can use it as quickly as you can think.

Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook

Have you ever put off studying because you grabbed the wrong notebook or simply forgotten your class notes? The Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook is the perfect gadget for students who want to have their notes available at the touch of a button. You take traditional notes in class, then upload them to the cloud later. Then, you can access them by Android or iPhone. One of the major benefits of this smart notebook is that it can be wiped clean—you’ll get a fresh notebook of clear pages when you run out.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

When you’re preparing for several exams at once, the last thing you want to do is lug around a pile of books. Save the time (and the lifting) with the Paperwhite. It also lets you take notes and highlight within the app, making it perfect for studying. Use your highlighted information to create graphic organizers and other visuals later (which are perfect for studying and understanding information fast).

Buddha Machine

Pressing onward through your study materials for hours is not the best way to learn. Instead, you need to give your brain regular breaks so it has time to assess and store all the information you have just reviewed. The Buddha Machine helps with your downtime, offering soothing songs and sounds that help you clear your mind. When you finish, you’ll be refreshed and recharged for the next part of your study session.

C-Pen Exam Reader

Another alternative to the smart notebook is the C-Pen Exam Reader. This study gadget lets you scan across a line of text and then it appears instantly on your smartphone or computer. It works with Microsoft programs, on social media, and more. You can even use it to type your hand-written notes or paper in no time at all. This also has a read-aloud feature that lets you hear the text as you scan, which is nice when you are trying to study.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

It doesn’t matter how good you think you are at multi-tasking—college dorm rooms can get loud and distracting. When you need to study fast, you do not want your mind being distracted by everything happening around you. Noise-canceling headphones block out everything so its easier to focus on the task at hand.

Studying Apps

In addition to gadgets, consider downloading apps that will help you stay on track with studying. Focus Booster, for example, helps you recognize patterns in your work habits by tracking how much time you spend on productive projects vs. social media. You can also use planning apps to keep track of any upcoming quizzes, tests, or assignments that are due. By knowing what is coming up, you can maximize the amount of time you spend studying for each course and plan out how long to study each day.

Students juggle too many responsibilities to waste time while studying. Instead, take advantage of these gadgets that will ease your workload while learning. Many are much lighter than traditional books and also have the advantage of helping you learn faster.

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