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Tips for Coping with Mental Illness

Nearly 400 million people are suffering from neurological and psychiatric illnesses. They can be caused by drugs and alcohol, as well. Many people are living in silence and don’t share their problems with others. Mostly, people who face this reality become lonely. Behind mental illness, there are such hurdles as public condemnation, shame, isolation, neglect, and even death.

The average age of people with mental disorders is 54 years old. Nevertheless, the amount of affected young people has risen to 71% in the last five years. Increasingly, students are suffering from mental illnesses worldwide. The reason may be stressful and painful situations in a new collective or overestimating the possibilities with college tasks. Home tasks accumulate essay by essay, and though you may want to search for a service to help with your painful thoughts, you are shy to go to the doctor and don’t expect them writing a prescription for you. If you think it doesn’t require you to pay much money, then it is better to pay for essay and get rid of your stress.

Tips for struggling with mental diseases are different and depend on the methods of curing and prophylactic. We propose to look in further ways that rely on the type of psychiatric dysfunction.

Coping with Schizophrenia

For this kind of disease, scientific research contributes to the use of drugs, medications, and psychological treatment. The last one is represented by psychological support, preparation, and rehabilitation of families of a person with a mental disorder.

If earlier, there were no possibilities to take therapy at home, now people may choose more comfortable conditions. The time of closed hospitals has passed by. Other variants may include specialized dormitories, which are general hospitals for people not to feel indifference of the world to their persons. Therefore psychosocial rehabilitation has progressed significantly, allowing patients to find a use of their work in the family and society.

Early therapy remains as the primary condition for a full recovery. Unfortunately, many people still can’t join a healthy social life because of improper treatment. To solve this issue, governments around the world should pay attention to the level of proficiency and competence of medical staff.

In the Fight Against Epilepsy

The right decision to curing this type of illness is the continuous use of individual drugs. This prevents nearly 70% of newly diagnosed cases from frequent attacks.

However, in many cases, the health system doesn’t recognize the disease. Unfortunately, in some cases, doctors are unable to organize the correct treatment for those who are diagnosed.

It is important to note that for this common disease, effective and inexpensive medicines exist. They are low in price and are available in all countries.

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is incurable for now. Over the years, the number of medications provided and recommended by doctors increased for those who have dementia, and in particular, Alzheimer’s disease. Current medicines reduce symptoms in some patients. This prescription is useful for families to reduce the stress experienced by the family of a person who has Alzheimer’s disease.

Some doctors offer to place the patient with complex treatment in a specialized hospital. Assistance to people with Alzheimer’s disease and their families is often limited. From time to time, voluntary organizations, such as associations for Alzheimer’s patients, provide practical and psychological support, as well as training for guardians and professionals.

Therapy for Mental Retardation

The percentage of young people aged 18 years and younger suffering from severe forms of mental retardation reaches 4.6% in developing countries and is between 0.5 – 2.5% in countries with advanced economies. The difference between these two figures shows that potentially preventive measures aimed at reducing the level of mental retardation, such as better care for maternal and child health as well as particular social intervention, can lead to an overall decrease in the level of mental retardation worldwide.

What may we do? The intellectual potential of all people, including those suffering from mental retardation, can be either developed or wasted. A positive approach, combined with appropriate educational and vocational guidance programs, can help people with mental retardation to adapt and achieve prosperity by working using all their capabilities. Special services should be organized to achieve these goals. Self-help groups consisting of families and individuals should be encouraged. Empowering parents of kids with mental retardation can speed up the formation of the right policies, programs, and services.

Preventing Alcohol Addiction

It is difficult to determine accurately when a person becomes addicted to alcohol. By this point, several problems related to the individual may arise. In this regard, estimating the amount of alcohol consumption is the most effective way to identify people with alcoholism at an early stage. In the case of at-risk individuals, short interventions of as little as 5 minutes can reduce 25% in alcohol consumption, preventing more serious problems, including alcohol dependence, from occurring.

Treatment of alcohol dependence and cessation of alcohol use in many cases can be successfully carried out at the community level. Voluntary self-help organizations can also play a significant role in supporting the elimination of alcohol addiction. However, there are not enough measures aimed only at treating those who are addicted to alcohol. Local governments must provide effective anti-alcohol policies.

The Main Tip – Strengthen the Family Role

The main thing in family participation is to establish relationships with carers based on understanding and empathy. The following points are the most important:

The effort of psychiatrists ensures that mentally ill people are treated in the same way as other sick people who can be cured. The risk of being fruitless runs until the unreasonable fear of “insanity” is defeated. Until all the influential members of the social hierarchy understand that mental health is not only the concern of specialists, the whole society should be concerned.

There must be changes in our hearts that will allow us to recognize the knowledge we have gained and to develop a new approach to mental health problems. The missing link is in the minds of several billion people. We must understand that the human mind can be distressed, but can also be treated and cured, just like the body.


Shame and fear build walls of silence. It is time to talk about mental illnesses out loud so that families know that they are not alone. There is nothing to be ashamed of. The public must learn to recognize the symptoms, understand that a mental disorder can affect anyone, and make sure that help is available for everyone.

The sooner correct diagnosis and the right treatment is prescribed, the bigger chance to avoid subsequent relapses. This central fact of coping with mental illnesses doesn’t work universally. Violations of human rights in psychiatric hospitals, inadequate provision of psychiatric care in society, illegal insurance schemes, and discrimination in employment are just a few examples that affect on our path in fighting with this global burden.

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