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Shifting Your Headspace to a Winner’s Mindset

“Life will never go as planned. There will always be undesirable surprises. But rather than telling yourself that you have either lost something, have less of something, or will never have what it is you want, make the command decision to focus on adopting an abundance mindset and focusing on what you can be grateful for.” – Tony Robbins

 I absolutely love this quote from my main man, Tony Robbins. His concept of an ‘abundance mindset’ is something I’ve made a conscious effort to adopt in recent years. It basically means taking your energy away from thoughts like…

And instead, focusing on the fact that although there may be challenges and difficult paths in life, there are more than enough opportunities for everyone.

Business opportunities are in ABUNDANCE.

When I started my SEO Company 6 years ago, I literally had no business experience. But what I lacked in experience, I made up in grit and determination.

It’s just about finding the inner strength, motivation and confidence to tackle that voice in your head that says “I can’t do this”… and instead of spending your energy doubting yourself, put your energy towards backing yourself!

Firefly entered into an industry that I believed was broken. The online marketing industry was full of online cowboys…

However, even though I could see the fundamental flaws within the industry and I absolutely believed that I could offer something better, starting my own venture was still terrifying!

People I knew laughed at my concepts and ideas of a new way to do things, but I always backed myself that there wasn’t just space for Firefly in the industry… there was a need for Firefly in the industry… and I wanted to fill that space. I wanted to smash that space!

It’s human nature to tend to focus on the negative aspects or experiences within a situation. When we dive into the unknown, it’s almost impossible to not let the “what if’s” take over our headspace. The important thing is to start seeing these “what if’s” not as impediments to success, but as opportunities. As challenges to relish. And as hurdles that feel absolutely amazing when you clear the jump over them.

The key to shifting to a winner’s mindset is to embrace your belief that you ARE good enough, that your business IS going to be successful and that you’re going to achieve your goals –  but then to make a conscious effort not to just stop there. Success doesn’t just magically appear on your doorstep one day after you’ve been slogging away doing the same old thing for years.

You have to be relentless in your pursuit of constant improvement. Because the truth is that once you’ve won, there’s always going to be another challenge, another situation and another hurdle. It’s vital that you ingrain this constant positive mindset within you, so that you are able to consistently take on the difficult situations that are thrown your way.

And, of course, we all know there’s plenty of those when you’re a business owner!

To make sure your business is a winner, Firefly can handle your website design and digital marketing needs. Get in touch with us today to have a chat about what we could do for you!

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